Sunday, November 19, 2006

looking back, or forward ?

I have to decide how I am going to use this blog. Even if I use it to track the path, and maybe some route planning as well, it is kind of hard to walk if you are looking back the whole time. I guess you do need the occasional review, to check you are on the right heading. But to try to walk forwards while looking backwards is frankly crazy.

I remember one of those profiles I did before was about how much you were "away from" and how much "towards". Everyone has a preference but is a mix of those. I seem to recall I was slightly more "away from" than "towards". You could say I tend to know better what I do NOT want to do (away from) rather than what I do want to do. But in this context, I could be walking my path relative to what I am leaving behind, rather than where I want to go.

But I can't turn this into a "towards" thing without a clear idea of where I want to be. And part of me feels that being that clear about the destination reduces the options and my flexibility to integrate new opportunities into my plan. Now there's a challenge - to find a balance between flexibility and focus/commitment !

Maybe if I can't forge a path by doing, I can create it by "being", by adopting the habits I want to have (such as being healthy and fit). Will that be enough ?

Anyway, the least I can do is a form of journal, of what I have been up to and am about to do ?

Last week I was away for five days to see an American trainer work with riders and their horses. Eight hours of observing a day, sat in an indoor school in rainy November. Not most people's idea of fun but intense, thought-provoking, and a little inspiring. It does pose some questions though. I would really like to go and spend a week on one of this guy's courses. But how do I prioritise that with improving my living space ? Getting out the the US and then paying the course fee and accomodation etc vs spending it on the house. Not an easy call.

All the things that the LCT was supposed to do in the last ten months and didn't, plus more, are sitting there waiting to be done. As I have limited time after working and commuting (and horsing), that means paying to have them done professionally.

An improvement to the house is a long term thing and would repay itself if/when I sell this place.

Ok... I'm talking myself out of it aren't I ;)

I know what I should really do for the immediate future is get along to any appropriate local training clinics, and spend any remaining money on improving the house. But sometimes it sucks to be responsible !

I cancelled my "Employee Counselling Service" session planned for tomorrow. These guys use something called "Solution based counselling" and I just don't feel they have much to offer beyond what I am already working through on my own. I don't feel I need to discuss it with someone else just to make me feel good and validate it.

And I looked into a local "social aerobics" class on Monday evenings. I did wonder if that meant people talk a lot ;) but it seems it means it is low impact. I didn't actually make the class this week as I had got it into my head it was 19:30 start, whereas it was 19:30 finish. I normally only get home about 18:30 so would have had to be more with-it and go straight there. The only information on this class is on the local notice board in the middle of the village, so I could only check when it was after I got home. But next week.... The idea is not only to keep the fitness thing going, but also to link into a new social group to the ones I already know locally.

So a good start I think ?


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