Saturday, October 04, 2014

Close Contact

[Hmmm - this has been sitting here as a draft for a while and I am not sure why so... let's hit the publish button !]

Been pondering a few things. And also raking through some old posts on a different blog due to the demise of myspace blogging.

Back in 2007 there had been reports in the papers of some research (Manchester Metropolitan University) courtesy of Imperial Leather which says the incidence of hugs in UK is decreasing:

"Psychologists believe everyone needs at least one cuddle a day to help them cope with the stresses of 21st century living."and
"A survey found that a third of people received no daily hugs, while three-quarters yearned to be hugged more than they were."

Their conclusion ?

"Overall, we should get back to hugging. It is good for us after all."
Well count me in. :D

I guess the problem is how to make sure you get the nice hugs, but have a tactful way of getting out of the others. A nice hug is one of the best things you can do in public without getting arrested ;)

You do need to be hugging someone who does not mind people inside their personal space - a hug without contact is kind of pointless. I'm quite a tactile person at the end of the day - but I've been around enough people that aren't that I always hesitate slightly about going for the hug without a clear signal that its ok. There are people who genuinely struggle with that kind of close contact with other people. That has to be respected; it's their choice.

I guess there is also the "When Harry met Sally" question - can two people of the opposite gender (or same gender if that way inclined) hug in a completely platonic way ? I think so, but maybe that's just because I like hugging.