Monday, September 11, 2017

“Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye!”

Well then how come it feels like *everything* is passing me by ? None of that is for me ? Or just the bad stuff is for me ?

Yep, guess who is feeling sorry for herself.

Job is 'meh'
Looking after horses but not getting to ride (old, blind or unwell - them not me !)
Commuting 3-4 hours every day, worse if there are any issues. 
Permanently tired
Single, house is chaos, garden is a jungle
.....and due to above no time or energy to do anything about it

But of course the only person who can do anything about it is..... *me* 

Well that's not quite true. I can't mend the ill pony. All I can do is try and manage her pain, and make sure I ask the right questions and make the right decisions at the right times.

I can apply for appropriate jobs that come up. I just can't ensure they interview or appoint me. 

I do have complete control over what I eat, But as a comfort eater, having control and exercising it are two different things :( 

I do feel better if I can get out for a run, but the lack of hours means that is always a question of *not* doing something else.

 I know I need to focus on the right circle (Covey's Seven Habits...). But right now it feels more like playing whackamole !