Monday, January 01, 2018

Nobody said it was going to be easy

At the end of November, I took part in a Mo Run. And after that I drafted quite a long blog post, which just didn't seem to say what I wanted. Here's the second version...

Let's start with some context
- I had trained, and had even started doing parkrun alternate weekends as training by myself wasn't really working
- I then picked up a calf niggle which I didn't seem to be able to shift
- and the day of the run was sub-zero temps with icy pathways

My target was just to get round, as I had people sponsoring me.

So what happened next ?

The warm-up proved I needed to walk, both due to my fitness and due to the ice. But then all the other runners set off at a run - needless to say all my good intentions went out the window and I went with them.

Luckily it turned out there were other half a dozen other "walkers" and they slowed down once we were away from the start.

They started the 10k only 10 mins later and we were soon being over taken by the lead runners. I stuck to a brisk walk with the odd short jog thrown in when there was no frost and no other runners I would obstruct.

Between the 3-4k mark, the bicycle in front of the 10k lead runner went past me. I really don't know how the people running managed to stay on their feet in some sections - it was like an ice rink.

Before I knew it, I turned the top corner of the course and was heading back down to the finish. As my calf hadn't played up at all, I ran through the finish :)

Success - completed the run without making my calf hurt :)

But in what time ? I checked my app, just over 40 mins. Well that seemed odd as I know my speed to run the same distance is only a few minutes faster ?? But the distance looked short ... that's odd.

By the time I go home, my official time was in email - 40m02s. I started to feel good about my walk.

And then I saw the facebook posts - lots of people reporting a shorter distance for both 5km and 10km. Turns out they had shorted the course because of the icy conditions.... but forgotten to tell us.

What did I learn ?

- that if I can't run, walking is also good exercise and better than not being out there at all
- that I should trust how I feel about doing something, and not get sucked into times, PBs etc

- oh, and head bands aren't really my thing ;)