Saturday, December 23, 2006

a touch deprived...

and no that is NOT a typo - I do mean "i" not "a" !

I was pondering what to write about... I did wonder about tipping points - is anyone else aware of them ? When you know that there is the potential for something to happen, and its like being on a roller coaster rushing towards the point where either it will or it won't. And you either tip over into "it will" or you just sail past into "it won't". I guess if I surfed I might say it was like catching a wave... or not. That you can see the wave coming, prepare, but there is a precise point where it will either happen or it won't. (that is probably me misusing the concept of tipping points, but hey so what)

But then I figured it must just be me waffling :p

The other thought on my mind is how being single sometimes gets you into a situation where you don't get any physical contact with other people. Studies in primates have shown this causes all sorts of issues - to general physical and/or emotional well-being. No reason why it should be any different with us 'umans.

And before you start sniggering, its not about the s*x thing. This is purely about physical contact and can be completely platonic.

I guess if I had a dog or a cat, I could hold them. Pets are shown to lower blood pressure and so on...

I read Temple Grandin's book "Animals in Translation" a while back. She talks about how she used an adapted version of a cattle crush to help her deal with her autism. It is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of someone with autism, as their way of looking at the world is SO different. But I think I can vaguely understand how the contact of the crush would have helped. Perhaps she still had the need for physical contact but needed it to not be another person ?


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