Saturday, January 13, 2007

"meant to be".... NOT

I spent a reasonably amount of time on trains the last few days - long enough to need a decent read. But instead I ended up with a "buy one get one half price" deal at the london station on the way back, and got "The Devil Wears Prada" and Paul McKenna's ).weight loss book. Someone else had mentioned the latter and it sounded like he talked sense - so it seemed worth a browse. (And you get a CD :D).

Anyway, he uses some visualisation techniques and I got to thinking how that might be used in a relationship (rather than weight loss) sense. (He probably has a book on that too. OMG I was joking... but he *does* !)

To the point... I realised that I had always had a sense of "meant to be" about me and the LCT. Not in terms of us breaking up.:rolleyes: .. I mean in terms of us getting together and being together. Even through the hardest of the hard times, there was always that certainty at the core of me. It was supposed to be.

Yet clearly it wasn't. Or at least not "ever after". I was very very clear that there is no way that lying cheating toerag would be any where in my life again - so in day to day terms I had moved on. But in the "long term" of my brain that "meant to be" thought was still hiding. Bring it out into the light of day and it has to put its hands up and surrender. I may not yet be able to programme something new in its place, but I can at least delete the code that is no longer relevent, appropriate, valid... yes not valid is the best description ! .... and start with a blank slate.

so here's to blank slates... :D


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