Monday, February 19, 2007

the best revenge is success...

...but then you have to decide what you mean by success ?

I guess somewhere in my head I had thought that "success" might be finding a new partner (tall, handsome, intelligent, own income) and proving it "wasn't me" that way.

But I am coming to realise that success is much broader than that. And in a "sisters are doing for themselves" sense, being by myself and not just coping but moving things on, getting things better, rebuilding my finances and so on - is just as much, if not more, "success".

In fact, meeting Mr Tall-Handsome before doing the above might seem like I couldn't manage by myself, which is hardly the sign of a successful woman. I did go through a bit of a needy phase to get to that conclusion. There is nothing wrong with having and acknowledging needs but that is not the same is being needy. Mini crisis and "light bulb" moment partly precipitated by the news that a colleague is expecting. I could genuinely wish her all the best, but it didn't stop a part of me wanting to curl up and wallow is self-pity :(

So, into "Bridget Jones's Big Sister" mode...

ran Duncrub (clockwise) in 17mins 18 seconds. Which is either a PB or close to it. I listened to a new mix on the way round and I think it has a slightly faster tempo, which helped.

But then got a flat tyre on Sunday and managed to try jacking up the car at the wrong point...not a good move, so the car needs to visit the garage in the near future. And I have two new tyres on the front.

I have to make a decison on central heating boilers by Wednesday. Right now it is a choice of one from one, i.e. do it or don't, as the second quote I tried to get has never arrived after a visit a couple of weeks ago. I guess local plumbers and gas men are so busy they can pick and choose - but why come do the visit if he was not going to write the quote up ?

I took some more things to the local charity shop, and passed on an old phone to someone who has plans to "pimp" it with a mobile phone (it'll keep him amused rather than gathering dust in my house :) ) It makes me feel good to think that from the ashes of my old life, some goodness can be created. That may sound very pompous but it is meant exactly as it sounds. It is like the negative stuff is this big hole - and by doing positive things like taking stuff to charity shops, I am slowly filling in the whole, handful by handful....

which takes me back to where I started ... success is the best revenge :D


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