Friday, February 09, 2007

Note to self: must get act together

Figured I ought to start making this more journal-like, rather than navel-gazing ;-)

So, what has been going on ?

Well the cough has gone, so I am back to running, aerobics, and Pilates is back on at work. Though running may be off this weekend again as we have snow right now, and the forecast is not great :(

I am researching costs to replace my boiler. The first quote was somewhat higher than I had thought - it *is* 10 years since I last went through this ! SO I got another quote as a benchmark. But realistically, waiting is not going to make it cheaper, just make it more likely to be an unplanned expense when the existing boiler slips its mortal coil.

I had decided a while back that I needed to "Get A Life"... well I think I have a step before that to do which is "Get My Act Together" ! Right after the LCT left, I was often on the phone to a good friend of mine. Luckily he was ok about my neediness and happy to have long conversations about this, that and the other. I was feeling quite proud of myself when it seemed I was coping better and ringing him cos I wanted to, rather than because I *needed* to. But I think I have just realised is that partly what I have done is transfer that neediness elsewhere :( I'll spare you the tale to spare my own blushes, but I am miffed with myself. So, Step 1 - get my act together. Step 2 - get a life. These steps may be concurrent. (Wonder if it ends up being s 7 step or 12 step plan ?) I am on the verge of turning into Bridget Jones: "Day 1: decide must get a life". And I *do* need to lose more weight. Bridget Jones's older sister :(

It is Valentine's Day soon. Before the LCT I started doing some form of spoof every year. Just something jokey that I was certain would not be taken the wrong way or be harmful. I was wondering if I should restart this but can not think of any recipients to meet the "harmless fun" criteria. So instead I wondered whether to base it on me and go for an anti-valentine approach. I spotted a great t-shirt on a US site which said

"Better to have loved and lost, than to live with the Pyscho for the rest of your life !"

and was very tempted but figured it was not really a sign of moving on ;) (Plus the shipping from US would have taken too long...)

So plan B will be just to ignore it. Not easy with all the hearts and flowers in every shop. There was even an advert in the metro to persuade people to get their flowers at the railway station for an easy life ! (ah, the romance of it...)

Valentine's Day... what's that ?


Blogger Charli said...

Welcome to the Anti-V Day club!
I'm sure I was a founding member, having spent 10+ years either depressed or angry or both at the appalling superficiality of the day - a real Hallmark Holiday. Of course, being relentlessly single didn't have anything to do with it. Jealous? Moi?
But at the 10 year point, I decided enough was enough. So now I don't get pissed, pissed off or generally depressed. It's just another day and I pity those poor saps whose partner only does something on a specific day. I get a bunch of girlfriends together and we have a great night out.
HA! Take that, Valentine's Day!

12:20 am  
Blogger seahorse said...

as it happened, Valentine's Day was officially a Disaster...

no really !

we had 10 servers wiped unintentionally late on Tuesday so Wednesday had most of the team involved in some part of the "Disaster Recovery"

So it passed without really noticing... tho' the one thing I DID notice was that by the time I walked from work to the station, the loal department store had already changed its display windows.

Valentine's Day.... commercial... surely not !

I think I will try and plan far enough ahead to follow your example next year :)

11:00 pm  

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