Sunday, March 11, 2007

Moving on

The weather this weekend was windy and rainy. I figured I would and squeeze a run in between showers and set off on my normal route. I had decided I would do some interval work - 1 minute fast(er) running followed by 1 minute slow jog to recover. With my headphones on it's not easy to here the stopwatch beep, so I had to keep glancing at the watch.

As I set off, I very nearly turned tail and headed straight home - it was really not pleasant. There were times I could not run straight as the wind was blowing so hard. But I gritted my teeth and kept going. I felt woeful - it felt that the fast got slower, and I was not recover in the slow minute. But to my great surprise I made the circuit in 17 mins 36 seconds - which is a personal best for that route ! :D

The aim will be to repeat this every couple of weeks, with a "normal" run in between (possibly the hard way round or on a different route). Ideally I would like to get to the point where I can run faster for 2 mins, and recover in one... and build from there. But one step at a time ;)

Then the rain set in so I headed inside to do some sorting out and tidying up. There was a box on the top of the DVD cabinet. I was pretty sure it was something LCT's brother had sent us for a christmas present... so I grabbed it down to check I was right. And in trying to work out which way was up, I found a photo inside. It was of an eldery couple - and not anyone related to me. I think it is LCTs grandparents ? (His grandfather was dead by the time I met him) So I will send it back to the LCTs parents. Then I tidied up the rest of his left-behind items into a box. Nothing major, just bits and pieces.

I was still feeling responsible for his things. I guess in a way I related to them - I also felt left behind, unwanted.

I should say I also have this "responsibility" with things of my own that I decide are surplus to requirements - I feel I have a duty to find them a good home, and that leads to things hanging around longer than they should. I'm beginning to get that actually I can either throw away (items no one would want second hand), or send to a charity shop (stuff in decent condition). I don't have to eBay everything ;-)

Anyway, the things the LCT left behind *are* just "things" - inaminate items with no feelings. If there is any sentimentality attached, it is his not mine - and HE has left them behind !

Time to move on.


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