Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I was dashing about like a mad thing last week trying to get organised and only just managing it in time. As a result I forgot to ask my folks to check the house while I was away. Bad move.

So having zipped down to London, I located my sister at the music venue she was drumming at - not at number 157 but at number 175, and despite her not being available by phone as she'd swapped phones that very day.

And managed to get myself moving well enough after my fall last week to not only take part in the Hydroactive 5k but complete it without walking in an entirely credibly 38 mins (limited by the speed of the people around me for the first sections). (I'm sure the back massage I managed to cadge off a friend on Saturday helped :D)

And having then, despite developing quite a mean low grade migraine, still managed to get myself to the airport on time and get on my flight home, which was on time...

Sometime around then it started unravelling. Firstly the traffic after leaving the airport and trying to get across the city was the worst I have ever seen. It took more time than it normally takes to get home just to get across the city :(

Then eventually I got home and discovered the fuse had tripped... and the fridge seemed suspiciously warm. Went to grab some food from the freezer... and that had managed to defrost and had puddle of plum juice in the bottom. Got that mopped out. Luckily I recently defrosted it so there is not too much food in there to worry about. I threw some and will cook and eat some of what is left.

Later I was unpacking and food my toothpaste had leaked :(

And this morning I found out that both lots of milk in the fridge had gone off.

None of which is exactly a major disaster... but I'll try and remember to get the electricity checked next time I go away.


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