Sunday, October 21, 2007


More visitors this weekend. I've never had a year like this, even when we were abroad so people wanted to come visit for a holiday ! The interesting thing this time was the realisation that each set of visitors has been completely different in social/relationship terms.

There have been the "relatives". My cousin is a similar age to me but has children. We haven't really had time to talk much for years. It was great to reconnect, and in the case of the next generation - connect for the first time !

Then a very good friend, who is also an ex, and his daughter. As I've said in a previous post it was a bit like borrowing a family for the weekend. My friend and I fell back into old modes of conversation pretty quickly, his daughter was (is) a delight, and the friendship just naturally expanded to include her.

The most recent visitors were not people I knew well at all but it was like having a house party with a bunch of friends from peer group. Including way too much whisky on Saturday night :)and a round of goodbye hugs.

While having people here always involves a degree of tension in terms of preparing, organising, keeping things going - at the same time I end up feeling better for it.


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