Sunday, October 07, 2007



I was at our work quiz nite last week. It is raising funds for our charity for the year and is a good laugh. It does mean I end up getting a later train home. Unusually for me I had a skirt on rather than trousers. I've been trying to make sure I do this as part of getting myself to be less in a "safe" rut in terms of appearance.

Last time I did this, I grabbed a Cosmo at the station WHSmiths. It happened to have a "sealed" section of erotic fiction - which I duely read and in my humble opinion was pretty badly written and not terribly erotic.

This time around I checked out the bookshops at lunchtime but could not spot anything I was burning to read, so once again went to the station shop and ended up with "Scarlet". This is a magazine which appear to regularly contain erotic fiction. I figured it would be amusing to read, and anyone who tried to read over my shoulder was on for a shock

The train was not terribly busy. I had to change two stops before my station, with a 20 minute wait. On the second train, as we pulled into the final station, I noticed quite a young lad. Without being aware of it consciously, I kind of knew he was checking me out. Didn't think anything of it. Got off the train, and went up the steps of the pedestrian flyover that takes you off the platform. The young lad is chatting to friends and has his mobile open, and goes ahead of me and turns right. I follow and take the left turn, but am aware he has hesitated. I keep walking, down into the carpark, and become aware he is behind me.

Slightly too close...

I get to the car and know I will be able to turn as I get to the car door and check where he is. He is just a few steps behind me and hesitates, then walks past, and then...


for goodness sake I am old enough to be his *mother* !

He hesitates again, waiting for a reaction, watching me. I grin wrly, unlock the car, and get in. I didn't trust myself to say anything. I can't work out if I am complimented or freaked out ! Did he see what I was reading and figure it was worth checking out my reaction ? I don't think he was drunk...

My automatic reaction is to assume there must be some issue, that the interest can't be genuine. Especially as he actually wasn't a complete geek - just a normal quite cute cute young bloke.

As I drive out of the car park, he is by the entrance. I think he is still wondering if I will stop as he is still watching me.

Serial weirdo ? Or into older women ? I guess I'll never know....

(By the way, the writing in Scarlet is much better than the Cosmo stuff)


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