Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I require three things in a man......

.....He must be handsome, ruthless and stupid.

Well according to Dorothy Parker anyway ! As with the previous post, I've been missing being part of an "us". But I only have myself to blame as I've not done anything about it...

So if I was looking for someone, what kind of "someone" would I be looking for ? Given my track record, maybe someone who is my "type" is exactly the kind I should run away from, screaming loudly.

Or perhaps I should describe the LCT and then reverse all of that to ...i.e. replace "liar" with "honest", replace "cheat" with "faithful" or "true" and so on.

Desperately seeking a decent honest man....

So fair enough, if I can - roughly speaking - describe the kind of company I'd like to keep, what's in it for them ? what do I have to offer ? oh yes that would be "fragile", "scared", "low self-esteem"... can't see that being terribly interesting to anyone ! I guess that I've gone around for so long with a "don't touch" sign on me thanks to the LCT that it's hard to think any other way.

So if I *do* make an effort now, am I doomed to failure simply because I am not together enough yet ? Is it fair to do that to whatever person may decide to spend time in my company ? I can't just flick a switch and suddenly be ok.

I'm trying to do some form of emotional rehab - getting myself "fit" again to rejoin the human race. Like some form of personal "how to look good naked" programme.

Ho hum - guess I have to walk before I try running....


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